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The Value of Tourism

The Value of Tourism

This Value of Tourism Presentation Toolkit has been created as a template for all tourism industry professionals to use when presenting and communicating the value of tourism in British Columbia to various audiences such government officials, community groups, and other interested parties.

The content covers areas such as the tourism industry’s structure, key performance indicators, contribution to quality of life, workforce, culture, DEIA, reconciliation, sustainability, and other components to help inform and educate your stakeholders on why our sector is so vital to British Columbia.

British Columbia’s visitor economy contributes to our high quality of life by supporting arts, cultural, sports and historical assets, festivals and events, cuisine and wine experiences, parks and recreation venues, among others. Many studies have also shown that tourism brings big international benefits through trade and investment, education and immigration.

However, tourism’s voice is often unheard by decision-makers when setting policy, developing framework for investment, or introducing major economic initiatives. Similarly, today’s graduating students do not consider tourism as a primary career choice yet the opportunities and benefits are virtually unmatched.

The COVID-19 crisis has challenged BC’s tourism industry in ways we couldn’t have imagined, just a few years ago. Before the pandemic, tourism was one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and BC was no exception. TIABC and its industry partners work diligently to strengthen our collective voice to fully capture the opportunities ahead and address the obstacles hampering industry recovery and growth. Our goal is to foster a climate that strengthens our industry and encourages investment in tourism infrastructure, products and marketing. We also strive to motivate more people to pursue a career in tourism.