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Welcome to TIABC – Tourism Industry Association of BC

TIABC Stakeholder Survey

Your Input Helps to Shape Our Future Direction

TIABC is seeking input from its members and stakeholders to assess the level of satisfaction with the leadership that TIABC provides to the tourism industry, and to gain further knowledge from your insights and responses, provide more value for members, and ensure our effectiveness as advocates for BC’s visitor economy.

We respectfully request your response by end of day, Friday, February 7th.

2025 BC Tourism Industry Conference


This year’s theme is “Tourism for All – Embracing the Journey”. Secure your spot today for this must attend event!

Value of Tourism Presentation Toolkit


The Value of Tourism (VoT) Presentation Toolkit has been created as a template for all tourism industry professionals to use when presenting and communicating the value of tourism in British Columbia to various audiences.


TIABC Voice of Tourism Podcast

TIABC’s podcasts have been developed to provide TIABC members and stakeholders with insightful content and a unique perspective on BC’s tourism industry.

The TIABC’s Voice of Tourism features CEO Walt Judas, interviewing some of the most respected professionals in the tourism industry.




The Tourism Industry Association of BC advocates for the interests of British Columbia’s $18.5 billion visitor economy.


Through your membership, you will part of a strong, collective voice while helping to support TIABC’s advocacy efforts.


TIABC leverages advocacy as a tool to achieve sustainable tourism solutions by identifying the key issues from our industry.


Guided by the TIABC Policy Committee, policies have been developed to advise, direct and help reframe tourism development.

The Voice of the BC Tourism Industry

TIABC’s Vision is for the tourism industry to be recognized as one of British Columbia’s leading and sustainable industries. As the primary advocate for BC’s visitor economy, TIABC unites operators, sectors, DMOs, government and residents to support and be passionate about making this province a great place for tourism.

Current TIABC Members
of British Columbians are Employed in Tourism
People employed in BC tourism
BC Tourism-related businesses

TIABC One Minute Monitor

Recent Poll Results


Support the new legislation on short-term rentals


Do not support the new legislation on short-term rentals

How it works

As necessary, TIABC Releases an Industry Survey. See below to participate in this week’s poll.

Receive our newsletter for the full results

Question: Your Project Business for July, August and September

1). Is your projected business (i.e. bookings, revenues) for the months of July, August and September up, down or the same compared to the same period in 2023?

The Value of Tourism

In January, 2022 TIABC launched The Value of Tourism (VoT) initiative. This project was designed to increase the understanding of tourism as a powerful engine for economic, cultural, and social well-being, and to secure cross-government support for tourism investments by describing how tourism benefits every community and region in British Columbia.

This project was also designed to increase interest in tourism as a career choice, as well as provide insight into how tourism can be a catalyst for addressing major issues and opportunities such as climate change, sustainability, reconciliation, workforce, among other priorities.

TIABC Partners and Sponsors

TIABC has forged mutually beneficial industry partners and sponsorship to ensure our organization maximizes the available resources that are critical to supporting BC’s visitor economy. Our partners valuable contributions support TIABC’s mission and play a critical role in supporting initiatives that are dedicated to improving the quality and competitiveness of BC’s tourism sector.

Upcoming Industry Events

Industry events provide an opportunity share knowledge, network with colleagues, connect with key decision-makers, and showcase our industry successes. Here is a look at some of the upcoming industry events.


As our province embarks on the road to recovery, TIABC strives to ensure you are well-informed with up-to-date information on our ongoing efforts to communicate with our sector stakeholders and government agencies on your behalf.

TIABC Members

Through your membership, you will part of a strong, collective voice while helping to support TIABC’s advocacy efforts, policy development, programs, and activities that benefit the sector’s sustainability, development and growth.