Jul 1, 2017
Four Steps To Enjoying British Columbia
TIABC has developed a PSA that can be utilized by our tourism industry to remind our residents and our visitors of the importance of four simple steps for enjoying our beautiful province:
- Keep the ‘Wild’ in Wildlife www.bearsmart.com
- Pack it in, Pack it out www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/notrace
- Be Prepared – Have a Plan www.adventuresmart.ca
- Prevent Wildfires www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/wildfire-status/wildfire-prevention
TIABC encourages you to print the PSA and post it in prominent places at your tourism business.
Let’s protect our industry because #BCTourismCounts
Download the Four Steps to Enjoying BC Public Service Announcement: Four Steps to Enjoying BC PSA