Sep 15, 2022
TIABC Policy on Province-wide Maintenance & Replacement of Service & Attraction Highway Signage
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Background and Context
Since 1989, following a successful pilot project, new signs were provided on provincial highways and local roads under the Service and Attraction (S&A) Signing Program for selected types of tourist-oriented services, attraction businesses and other tourist amenities. Signs are erected by the Ministry of Transportation along provincial highways as a relatively uniform method of pointing out conveniences to the traveling public such as gas stations, accommodation, food services, campgrounds, airports, artisans, etc.
These signs assist motorists unfamiliar with an area to locate turnoffs leading to tourist facilities and other amenities. They also provide directional and occasional distance information but were not intended to promote any one service, attraction, or facility over another as per current regulations. Service and attraction signage was introduced to prevent illegal tourism advertising signage being erected and causing a distraction for motorists.
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