Sep 21, 2023
TIABC Submits Letter to Ministers in Support of Air Service Attraction Fund
TIABC submitted a letter to Honourable Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture & Sport, Honourable Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure and Honourable Katrine Conroy, Minister of Finance regarding the notion of an Air Service Attraction Fund.
TIABC submitted a letter to Honourable Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture & Sport, Honourable Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure and Honourable Katrine Conroy, Minister of Finance regarding the notion of an Air Service Attraction Fund (ASAF).
The letter explained that the idea of a merit-based Air Service Attraction Fund could incentivize new domestic, intra-provincial and international air connections that would enable further trade and business relationships between British Columbia and other countries, and also draw new visitors to our province.
TIABC also stated an ASAF would also help mitigate the impacts of comparable programs undertaken by other provinces and states that are luring businesses away from BC and urged the Province of BC to establish a dedicated Air Service Attraction Fund as part of Budget 2024.